Mar 21, 2015

Wrapping It Up

We should be closing on the house next Tuesday. Google will keep this site open for a long time, so I have no reason to delete it. If any Savage Lake property owner wants to take it over, just contact me and I'll transfer ownership. Otherwise, it will stay just like it is for . . . years if not decades.


Anonymous said...

'Bye and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on selling your beautiful home. Did you ever manage to organize a lake shore owners group?

T.W. Day said...

No, we never managed to make much of a dent in the neighborhood's ownership of the lake. The city, county (Watershed District), and state (DNR) are all pretty much willing to allow the lake to turn into a muddy mosquito nest and drainage ditch for the freeway runoff and without lakeshore owner involvement I don't see good things in store for the lake. The new sound barrier will make dredging the lake impossible and it will also put the lake out of sight for everyone but the lakeshore owners.